Episode 3: The Meaning of death & dying with Professor Michael Cholbi

Professor Michael Cholbi from the University of Edinburgh will join Ed Conroy to discuss Dying, death, immortality and suicide, from a philosophers perspective.

This episode is about death, dying and how it adds meaning to our lives in the present as we look towards our future death, and how that contrasts and changes across cultures and groups; as well as, perhaps, a discussion on humanity’s quest for youth and immortality and a discussion on suicide.

Professor Cholbi is currently the Chair Professor of Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh and has previously been Professor of Philosophy at California State Polytechnic University; as well as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. He is currently Director for the California Center for Ethics and Policy (CCEP) at the California State Polytechnic University in Pomona; as well as being the Founder of the International Association for the Philosophy of Death and Dying. He sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Applied Philosophy; the board of advisors for the academic journal Social Theory and Practice. He is area editor of ethics for the academic journal Ergo, and on the international board of advisors for the prestigious Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. He is a former editor of the journal Teaching Philosophy and holds multiple roles within the American Philosophical Association. He has been published widely within the fields of ethical theory and practical ethics; the philosophy of death and dying; having edited and contributed to volumes on death, dying, suicide, assisted dying, immortality, ethics of work and labor, paternalism, procreative and parental ethics; Kantian ethics, equality, and rational agency.

You can read more from Professor Cholbi on his website and on his University of Edinburgh profile.

If you have any questions for Professor Cholbi about the subjects above, please do fill out our Guest Questions form, so they can be asked during the recording on April 13th.



